Arthur (top picture, right) was born in the historical Galicia (Krakow), survived a bit of the late stage communism and migrated to Australia in 1988, just before all the exciting stuff started happening in Eastern Europe.
Arthur stayed at university for far too long, accumulating in the process four degrees he still does not use, which he has followed up, for his sins, by working in federal politics for 16 years, where he wrote some speeches and made some photocopies.
Arthur has also run two blogs - the dearly departed Chrenkoff blog and currently The Daily Chrenk - and has written a novel ("Night Trains"), which comes highly recommended from a lot of writing folk that Arthur loves, like Ian Rankin, Phil Rickman and Robert Ferrigno. His opinion pieces have appeared in “The New York Times”, “The Wall Street Journal’s Online Opinion”, “The New York Observer”, and “The Spectator Australia” blog.
Arthur enjoys photography, architecture, coffee and serial online dating. He doesn't normally write about himself in the third person.
He can be contacted on a _ chrenkoff @ hotmail . com